Saturday, April 25, 2009

Snow Day Pranks

A couple weeks ago, it had snowed non-stop for about 2 and half days. So what did our family and friends decide to do? Completely encase our front door with huge blocks of snow. The day of the crime was a Friday. James and I were just clocking out of work and we decided to stop and chat with Aspen for a while. Little did we know, she was stalling us for the other pranksters, who weren't quite done doing their dirty deed. What a wonderful way to show love to those who are so close to you. This just proves that you should really keep your enemies close and your FRIENDS closer! Actually, I loved it and thought it was a great use of snow. I laughed so hard I sounded like my mom (who sounds like a chicken when she really gets going!).

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Trevor & Andrea said...

that is CLASSIC!! haha

Anonymous said...

HaHa!! That is freakin hilarious!! I ditched/built a tower with 7 blocks of ice off on my friends front door step once, but this is WAY better!! hahahaha

Melanie said...
