Monday, June 28, 2010

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Guild!

We went down to Evanston and Bountiful last weekend to see James' little sister, Ariel, get married. She is now Mrs. Caleb Guild! They had a beautiful sealing in the Bountiful, Utah temple on a beautiful June day and they looked absolutely...BEAUTIFUL! Here are a few pictures of the happy day.

Caleb and Ariel



Grandma and Grandpa Haderlie

Grandma and Grandpa Martineau

Beth and Matt

Jessie and James



The Boys

Andy, James, Matt

Tony and Laurie

The Girls

Relaxing at the Reception

And last but not least...THE CAKE!


Melanie said...

*sniffle* She looks GORGEOUS!!

Ariel said...

Jessie-you are a great picture taker just so you know!